Team-NB – General Assembly meeting
The association meeting is scheduled on April 09th in face-to-face in Brussels.
e-News : Health and Food Safety Directorate General
Implementing regulation establishing the rules for joint scientific consultations on medical devices and in vitro diagnostic medical devices under the Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Regulation has been published. More info: Health Technology [...]
TEAM NB Position Paper on MDR Certification Process
(including Pre-application, Application and Post Application phases) – Consensus document. Team-NB members adopted a common paper aimed at describing in detail the pre-application and application and Post application phases processes through which manufacturers [...]
Team-NB 2024, in a few facts and figures
Some high level data providing an overview on Team-NB Notified bodies members and their activities. Team-NB-byFewFacts-and-Numbers-Strategy-20241213